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"I want charging to be an experience, not a task"


Charging Vehicles, Charging Humans

When a problem occurs in life, there are two options - fix it or do nothing at all, but either way don't complain.  The Charge is a product of choosing to do something.  Electric vehicles are the future of transportation and 10 years from now options for gas vehicles will be minimal.  Therefore, we must start building a better charging network today so we can drive freely tomorrow.  

From early childhood, I've always naturally gravitated towards design, engineering and helping others.  In adulthood, I obtained a Bachelor's of Science in Industrial Engineering, Six Sigma Green Belt and spent 8 years of my career as an Organizational Change Management Practitioner.  Now it is clear - all the skills I learned along my journey were to help me bring life to a new founded purpose, The Charge.

Having been raised in a single parent home and now being an adult myself, I have an understanding of all the pressures life can bring.  Therefore, The Charge will be the ultimate sanctuary for people to be and breathe; not to mention charge their vehicles. Maybe charging is that parent's only opportunity to relax alone, or that professional's time to get some extra work done or just a moment for someone to peacefully enjoy a good cup of coffee.  No matter the scenario or persona, at The Charge everyone, including vehicles, will leave recharged. 

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The Journey So Far



The dream for The Charge was born.  After purchasing a fully electric vehicle (EV) Coleman was able to see the difficulties in public charging.  Charging stations were far-and-few between and were not fully reliable or efficient to use.  However, after receiving a dream from God, Coleman knew exactly what needed to be built, The Charge.



The business plan was written and plan of action of was put in motion.  This has been a year of socializing the idea and finding funding.

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The Charge In The Press

Soon to come.

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